In total, about 10 million new bitcoin addresses were created over the past 2024. The balance of 56 thousand of them exceeded $1 million
Throughout 2024, an average of 154 addresses with bitcoin balances worth more than $1 million were created every day, according to Finbold's research. The total number of such addresses increased by about 56,000 over the past year.
On December 31, 2023, their number was just under 97 thousand, and on the last day of 2024 - just over 153 thousand, i.e. an increase of 58.21%. In particular, 48,738 addresses were created that stored between $1 million and $10 million in bitcoins, as well as 7,587 addresses that held more than $10 million worth of cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin address growth in 2024. Source: Finbold
The total number of addresses where BTC is stored increased by 12.79%. In absolute terms, the growth was significant: 9.9 million new bitcoin addresses appeared over the year, with an average of 27,000 of them created per day.
If we break down the totals by the amount of assets, in 2024 there were:
- 2 million new bitcoin addresses containing between $1 and $99.99 (5652 per day);
- 3.3 million - with balances between $100 and $999 (9086k per day);
- 2.6 million - with balances between $1000 and $9999.99 (7241 per day);
- 1.4 million - with balances between $10,000 and $99,999.99 (3,979 per day);
- 362.7k - with a balance between $100,000 and $999,999.99 (991 per day);
- 48.7k - with balances between $1 million and $99.9 million (133 per day);
- 7.5 thousand - with balance from $10 million (21 per day).
At the same time, the authors of the report note that the number of addresses where BTC is stored does not directly correspond to the number of cryptocurrency owners. Because one person can control several addresses. And several people can jointly own one address.
In addition, along with direct investments, it is worth considering indirect ways to invest in cryptocurrency. For example, buying shares of MicroStrategy or exchange-traded spot bitcoin funds (ETFs).
Finally, the growing popularity of altcoins and memcoins in 2024 could also limit the growth of bitcoin holders. More traders were looking to take advantage of smaller cryptocurrencies in order to make a quick profit, the report said.